Born on 01.03.1972 in Bursa.
Graduated from Uludag University Faculty of Medicine in 1995.
Worked as a general practitioner in 1995-1999 and as an assistant in 1999-2004. He received his cardiology specialization from Uludag University Faculty of Medicine in 2004. He has been working as a specialist since 2004.
2004-2006- Vatan Hospital
2006-2007-Arrhythmia Hospital-Cardiologist-Chief Physician
2009-Acibadem Hospital
2007-2017- Setbaşı Medical Center
He has been working as a Cardiology Specialist and Homeopathy Specialist in his Private Practice since 2017.
Languages: English
Trainings and Certificates:
Homeopathy Education Certificate: Istanbul Medipol University 15.07.2017 (2013-2017) 4-year Education,
Erik Van Woensel – training for 1 year.
London-Turkey Center For Homeopathic Education(CHE)- education has been going on for 3 years.
2020 Samir Chaukkar continues his education.
*11-13 April 2014 –II.International Conference on Homeopathy- “Gold Standard in Homeopathy: Production, Education”,
*24-25 May 2014 Classical Homeopathy Introduction Seminar,
* Seminar on ”The Scope Of Homeopathy in Addictions”, given by Dr. Samir Chaukkar on October 18, 2014,
*October 19, 2014 –Dr. Seminar “Organon in Practive” by Samir Chaukkar,
*25-26 October 2014 –Prevention from Infectious Diseases Through Homeopathy, given by Kate Birch, Seminar on “Side Effects of Vaccine”,
*13-15 March 2015- Sehgal Homeopathy Seminar in India,
*16-18 March-Functional Medicine Training on ”Female Hormone Irregularities and Hormone Replacement”,
*11-12 April 2015-III.International Conference on Homeopathy – Success of Homeopathy in Chronic Diseases-Prognosis in Difficult-to-Treat Diseases’,
*8-9-10 May 2015 – “Elements Scholten Method in Homeopathy” seminar given by Homeopathy Istanbul,
* “Introduction to Argentine School” seminar given by Dr. Gustavo Cataldi on 11-13 May 2018,
*18-19-20 May 2018 – Functional Medicine Training on “Hpa Stress Axis-Thyroid-Male Hormones”,
*The seminar “Health Levels with Case Examples” given by Erik Van Woensel on October 10-11, 2018,
*31 October 1 November 2016 – Approach to Chronic Diseases and Practical Applications in Homeopathy
*31 October-1 November 2016- “Hunting for Characteristic Symptoms: Homeopathy’s Most Incomprehensible Problem” by Dr.Daniel Cook,
*19-22 April 2018 –International Traditional and Complementary Medicine Congress,
*02-04 November 2018 by Dr. Renzo Galassi, “Approach to Chronic Diseases, Miasmas and Practical Applications”,
*November 2018- Optimum Balance Model 1st Step Seminar given by Tamer Dövücü,
*24.11.2018-Refik Korkmaz Subconscious Language Training,
*30 November-2 December 2018 – Homeopathy Organon Clinical Practice Training,[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]*6-7 April 2019–VI.International Homeopathy Conference –” Healthy Life-Homeopathy and Nutrition’- as a speaker,
*26-27-28-29 Ekim 2019 Bütad –Dr.Rajan Saukaran ‘’From Similia to Synergy’’,’’The Synergy in Homeopthy’’, ‘’Ecd-The Eıght Box Method’’, ‘’The Art of Follow-up’’ konulu seminer,
*February 10-16, 2020 on Clinical Seminar On Advanted Homeopathy, given by Dr.Pareek’s, in India.
*December 6, 2020 Dr.Kavita Chandak: Homeopathic Approach to Women’s Health with Case Examples from the First Menstrual Period Consisting of 10 Modules to Menopause
*December 8, 2020 Erik Van Woensel: Case Studies in Homeopathy
*December 20, 2020 Dr. Kavita Chandak : Dysmenorrhea, Gynecology and Obstetrics
*December 27, 2020 Dr.Samir Chaukkar: Understanding Mind Rubrics in a Metaphorical Way: LACHESIS
*January 3, 2021Dr, Yogesh Sehgal; Homeopathy in Children
*January 10, 2021 Dr. Kavita Chandak; PCOS, Breast Pain During Pregnancy, Mood During Pregnancy, Varicose Veins During Pregnancy, Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy, Gestational Eclampsia, Ectopic Pregnancy
*January 10, 2021 Dr. Samir Chaukkar; Behavioral Materia Medica Understanding Mind Rubrics in a Metaphorical Way: SULPHUR
*24 January 2021 Dr Samir Chaukkar; Understanding Mind Rubrics in a Metaphorical Way: STRAMONIUM
*February 6-7, 2021 Withoulkas Academy; Health Levels, Theory and Remedies Comparisons, Initial Case Studies
*February 7, 2021 Dr.Yogesh Sehgal : Understanding the Animal Kingdom; snakes
*February 14, 2021 Dr. Kavita Chandak; Birth and Postpartum Treatment Methods
*21 February 2021 Dr. Samir Chaukkar ; Understanding Mind Rubrics in a Metaphorical Way: CALC-CARB
*February 27, 2021 Ajit KulKarn Innovations in Homeopathic Approach in Covid 19 and Post-Covid Era
*March 7, 2021 Dr. Kavita Chandak; Potency Selection in Gynecological Cases, Analysis of 2 Evidence-Based Cases, PCOS and Hormonal Irregularity, Low Amh
*14 March 2021 Dr.Yogesh Sehgal : Understanding the Plant Realm; BELLODONA, NUX-VOMIVA
*14 March 2021 Dr.Kavita Chandak Two Polycrest/Multi-Use Female Remedies; SEPIA, STAPHSAGRIA, The Journey of Medicines in Materia Medicada
*28 March 2021 Kavita Chandak Homeopathic Approach to Breast Cancer, The Spirit of Some Women’s Remedies, The First Remedies That Come to Mind During Normal Birth,
-Occupational Medicine Certificate
-Member of the Homeopathic Medicine Association
-Member of the European Association of Homeopathy (LIGA)