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Potency Selection in Homeopathy

While advancing in the field of homeopathy, the most common problem among homeopaths starting to care for new patients is which potency remedy should be given. Frankly, this was a subject of differing opinions among homeopaths even during Hahnemann’s lifetime.…

Peculiar Symptoms in Homeopathy

In homeopathy, there is a situation which is called Peculiar Symptoms in English, and Strange, Rare, Strange Symptoms in Turkish. You’ve heard the name of it many times, but you may be confused about what exactly it means. In this…

Dreams and Homeopathy

Dreams still remain a mystery to the scientific world. It is still a mystery why we dream, even if the dream we have is a good kind of dream (like we live in a nice big house), or a scary…

Glossary of Homeopathy Technical Terms

We present to you the Homeopathy Technical Terms Dictionary, with the hope of enriching this dictionary with other homeopathy volunteers, which is a prelude to understand more clearly what the English homeopathic terms that we come across while studying in…

Classification of Symptoms in Homeopathy

In homeopathy, we call the clues that lead to the remedy to treat, namely symptoms. By definition, symptom (symptom) is deviations from the health status perceived by the patient, his/her environment or the physician. For a homeopath, symptoms are important…

What is Aggrevation in Homeopathy?

Aggression is one of the most curious subjects about homeopathy for patients. In this article, we would like to talk about what is Aggression, what should we make sense of it… While establishing the basic principles of homeopathy and gaining…