What is Aggrevation in Homeopathy?

Aggression is one of the most curious subjects about homeopathy for patients. In this article, we would like to talk about what is Aggression, what should we make sense of it…

While establishing the basic principles of homeopathy and gaining practical experience, Hahnemann has worked continuously to perfect his methods of application to prevent aggravation and provide a quick, gentle and lasting treatment. Based on his practical experience, Hahnemann argued:

“The suitability of a drug for any disease state depends not only on the correct choice of homeopathic remedy, but also on the appropriate size or rather smallness of the dose.” (§275 – Organon)

What is Aggression?

Aggression in homeopathy; means an increase in intensity or degree of exacerbation or suffering. When nothing is undesirable on a mental or physical level, the exacerbation of each of the symptoms or the appearance of new symptoms always proves that the remedy, the remedy itself, or the effect or dose is not appropriate.

Modality Exacerbation

Modalities are conditions that alter a particular or general symptom, either appear to have arisen artificially at the time of the proofs, or are experienced by the patient suffering from the natural disease. Modalities can make a symptom better or worse.

Each remedy has its own mode of action and works best under certain conditions. Therefore, modalities belong to distinguishing features that help differentiate drugs. They highly personalize a case and help select the homeopathic remedy, especially if they are strange, rare, or odd.

Boenninghausen placed special emphasis on the completeness of symptoms, followed by sensation and location, where modalities were considered the most valuable features. According to Boenninghausen, the accompanying symptoms that can make up the modalities also represent important differentiating factors.

The modalities can be classified as physical, temperature, time, climate, dietary modalities, localized modalities (lateralities) and various modalities.

Similar, Homeopathic Exacerbation

Guided by the Law of Similars, homeopaths seek the remedy that most closely resembles all of the patient’s characteristic symptoms. When administered, this drug causes an artificial disease that, when slightly stronger than the natural disease, replaces the natural disease and initiates the cure.

A similar exacerbation occurs when the patient’s original symptoms temporarily increase at the beginning of treatment. This is a sign that the medicine is correct but the potency is too high, or the dose is too large or repeated too often.

A similar exacerbation results from the primary action of the drug and indicates an artificial, medical disease that hardly exceeds the natural disease. Since the dose of a homeopathic remedy can seldom be made too small to overcome the disease, it is understandable why a homeopathic flare-up may occur at the start of treatment. (§160 – Organon) However, the smaller the dose of the correctly chosen homeopathic medicine, the more beneficial the mild curative effect and the milder and shorter the marked increase in the symptoms of the disease. (§157,159, 277 – Organon)

In the sixth edition of Organon Hahnemann, homeopathic exacerbations in acute illnesses are limited to the first or the first few hours. It usually occurs within the first hour or several hours when the dose is not small enough, and immediately after ingestion for a significant number of hours when the dose is slightly too high. (§160 – Organon)

In chronic diseases, the application of advanced methods as described by Hahnemann in Organon 6th Edition, and the exacerbation of the original symptoms, when treatment is almost finished, will only be visible at the end of treatment, and will be seen when the correctly chosen remedy is administered in gradually increasing potency and in appropriately small and modified doses.( §161 – Organon) When the treatment is almost over, the vital force does not need any more medication to maintain its healing reaction. If more drug is administered, the symptoms of the drug come into play. However, if the first dose causes a homeopathic aggravation in chronic diseases and likewise with each repeated, modified dose, this indicates that the dose is too large. (§282 – Organon)

An exacerbation caused by the smallest possible dose is easily overcome by vital force and does not interfere with treatment. It is usually not detectable in patients unless they are hypersensitive. (§156, 283 Organon)

A homeopathic exacerbation is often appreciated by the homeopath, especially by those who are repertory to the 4th or 5th edition of the Organon, for demonstrating that the chosen medicine is correct and working. However, an aggravation is not necessary to know that the remedy is working, nor to the treatment. Any deterioration may delay or even prevent treatment if the primary effect of the remedy is too strong and suppresses the secondary, healing response of the vital force. Hahnemann wrote that a mild homeopathic exacerbation is a very good prognostic and acute illness will most likely give the first dose! (§ 158 Organon)

The intensity and duration of similar exacerbations give us a clue for the accuracy of the chosen drug, the patient’s vitality, prognosis, and case management.

After a quick and brief similar aggravation, the improvement shows that the solution has been chosen correctly. The improvement will be long term. The patient has strong vitality and good reactive power. Organic changes are unlikely or present only in non-vital organs. The case is treatable, the prognosis is very good.

Prolonged aggravation but final and gradual recovery indicates that the patient is on the verge of incurability. The vital force struggles to initiate a secondary healing reaction. Pathology is likely to be present. The prognosis is uncertain. The patient can recover if properly treated and if the vital force is strong enough to initiate and maintain the healing process.

A prolonged exacerbation and slow decline indicates either the incurability of the case due to irreversible organic pathology and a very weak vital force and/or the vital force being crushed by too high an impact or dose and unable to initiate healing.

Hypersensitive patients may react to any remedy and worsen the condition. High potencies should be avoided.

Accessory indications

Since the symptoms of the drug and the patient’s symptoms are almost impossible to fully cover, “there is almost no homeopathic medicine that does not bring a very mild unusual complaint or minor new symptom during its action”. (§156 Organon)

Accessory symptoms of a properly selected drug may occur when the dose is too large, the drug is repeated too often, and/or the potency is too high, thus displaying previously unexperienced medical symptoms of the drug. This can occur especially in hypersensitive patients who easily prove drugs.

If additional symptoms are troublesome, the remedy will not be capable of realizing a cure. (§249 Organon) A remedy, although homeopathic for the case, does harm at any dose that is too large. The higher its homeopathicness, the greater the patient’s sensitivity, the greater the harm done by the drug in very large doses. The danger lies in creating an artificial, medical disease with new and more severe symptoms, without extinguishing the old, natural disease.

What shall we do?

If the aggravation is insignificant or not dangerous, the effect of the drug should not be interrupted. Wait for the violence to pass and healing to come. If repetition is necessary, repeat the drug at a more appropriate strength and/or reduced dose or repeat less frequently. When drugs are administered in aqueous solution, the dose can be easily adjusted to prevent exacerbations.

If the aggravation is of heavy intensity, it should not be endured. Repeat the same drug at a lower dose or potency or reduced potency to reduce the intensity of the drug’s effect until the aggravation subsides. Check if the solution is indeed specified.

If the aggravation is very severe or even life threatening, the action of the remedy should be stopped by administering an antidote. Apply a remedy that is known to antidote the previously given remedy and that most closely resembles the new troubling symptoms. Let it act until symptoms subside, then return to prescribing, adjusting potency and dose. Check if the solution is indeed specified.

If homeopathic exacerbation occurs towards the end of treatment, doses should be further reduced and/or repeated at longer intervals or even stopped for several days to see if further medication is needed for treatment. If no more medication is needed, the symptoms caused by the excess of the drug will soon disappear, leaving a pristine health. (§248 Organon)

Differential Intensification (Aggregation)

A differential aggravation occurs when an incorrectly chosen remedy produces new, persistent and possibly troublesome symptoms that the patient has never experienced before. With the wrong treatment, the patient generally does not feel better, except for palliative relief of some superficial symptoms. If the drug is allowed to act, internal disease will intensify, new ailments will develop, and an artificial, medicinal disease can be produced that suspends the natural disease. Beware of thinking that the patient’s original disease has healed and another old layer has come to the surface!

What shall we do?

If the drug is similar enough to eliminate a significant portion of the disease without causing too many or severe accessory symptoms, the homeopathy treatment is continued.

Do not repeat the medication if it causes too many new and bothersome symptoms due to insufficient homeopathy.

If signs of a moment occur, do not let the dose wear off its effect, take corrective measures.

If new symptoms are not severe, a better prescribed remedy should be given immediately.

If new symptoms are troublesome or even dangerous, the effect of the drug should be stopped with an antidote before giving a better-chosen drug. Choose an antidote that is known to antidote the effect of the previously given drug and that resembles new, troublesome symptoms.

In order to choose a better remedy, the remainder of the original symptoms and the newly developed symptoms must be combined in great unity, since the new symptoms are of such a nature that the disease itself can produce.

Disease Exacerbation

If the treatment is insufficient and the natural disease and pathology progresses, the patient’s disease gets worse. Inadequate treatment is as much as the wrong application of a homeopathically correct drug, as well as the prescription of the wrong drug. Ongoing causes can also be attributed to an ongoing disease exacerbation and should always be investigated. Intervention is necessary by retaking the case and adjusting treatment and lifestyle.

Treatment and reappearance of old symptoms

True cure means restoring the patient to health and includes the normalization of all vital processes and increased resistance to all sickening forces. This can never be achieved by suppressing symptoms or simply eliminating pathology.

While following Hering’s direction of treatment, the reduction of recent complaints and the return of old symptoms are part of the reversal of the disease timeline, and the right remedy works deeply and towards healing.

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