Homeopathy; It is a natural and alternative treatment method, which was placed in a scientific framework by the German Doctor Samuel Hahnemann in 1796 and presented to the whole world as a gift.

What is homeopathy?
Although today’s people are forced to live a life under chronic diseases, misinformation and unhealthy living conditions, thanks to homeopathy, whose foundations were laid more than 200 years ago, humanity may have the chance to return to the factory settings as on the first day.
Homeopathy presented homeopathy to the whole world as a treatment method based on a scientific framework, as a result of years of work and work on it, and after Samuel Hahnemann found the principle of “like cures the like” based on a sentence he read during the translation of a book one day . .
What happens during a homeopath visit?
The duration of your first visit to the Homeopath will be very different from the doctor’s visits you are used to before. In homeopathy, the patient is healed, not the disease, and in order for this treatment to be holistic, the homeopath doctor will ask you a lot of questions about your mental, physical and emotional levels. In addition to these, a comprehensive anamnesis will be made along with other matters such as your family history and dreams. In addition, with the tests you have had and some desired tests, your homeopath doctor will want to have all kinds of information in order to treat you.
What diseases and conditions does it respond well to?
It shows that it can help in the treatment of diseases treated with homeopathy, childhood diarrhea, otitis media (ear infection), asthma, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, menopausal symptoms (such as hot flashes), pain, allergies, upper respiratory tract infections, sore muscles. . Also cold and flu. e is specialized. Several studies suggest that homeopathy may have a role in relieving symptoms and improving quality of life among cancer patients.
Since homeopathic remedies are diluted, they usually do not have side effects. However, some people report feeling worse shortly after starting a homeopathic treatment. Homeopaths interpret this as the body’s temporary warning of symptoms as it strives to improve health. This temporary aggravation of symptoms in people with serious illnesses can be very harmful. If you have a serious physical or mental illness, you should only use homeopathy under the guidance of a trained practitioner and inform everyone in your healthcare team about the homeopathic medicines you are taking.
Adequately diluted homeopathic medicines are not known to interact with conventional medicines, but if you are currently taking prescription medicines you should consult your doctor if you are considering using homeopathic medicines.